Now, where did we leave off?

I think it was when John and I decided to move to Alaska from Namibia. A lot has happened since then.

Last spring blew through our lives like a thunderstorm, leaving us in Juneau, Alaska where we reconnected with our friends and family and became Americans again.

Since we last saw you, we’ve done a few things. We went on safari. We lived in Alaska. We drove the ALCAN highway. We traveled through India. We trekked to Everest Basecamp. And so on…

Most recently, John accepted a job as a pilot with Horizon Air and we decided to settle down in Portland, OR.

We have a lot to catch up on. I wanted to start blogging again and now seems like the perfect time. I’m going to be writing about some of the trips we’ve been on, our time in Alaska,  and our new adventures in Portland.

Thanks for stopping by!

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